Q&A- Parvgone
How long does it take to receive product?
The arrival of your ordered product is contingent on your choice of shipping. Please refer to your shipping company(FedEx, UPS) for the time of arrival. If you have ordered from us and need a confirmation please advise and we will help in tracking your package. FedEx, UPS DO NOT offer Sunday delivery.
How many doses are recommended to help a 11 month old lab recover from parvovirus. She is at the vet now but we want to bring her home and continue treatment.
The recommended dosage is as follows:
Puppies and dogs:
Under 10lbs= 1/4 pouch
10-20lbs= 1/2 pouch
20-50lb= 1 pouch
Can I mix Parvgone with other treatments?
Mixing Parvgone with any form of liquid will alter stability and absorption and can destroy the effectiveness of this product.
Is there anywhere in Phoenix, AZ. to get Parv-Gone for puppies?
We are currently working at making relationships with local shops in Phoenix however, At this time our product is only available through our online store. Distribution may contact a local courier to deliver the local product. Courier charges will apply. Please call one of our friendly team members to assist.
Is there any stores i can get parv-Gone in i really dont want to wait for shipping my dog is sick?
At this time Par-gone is only available on our website. The quickest shipping is overnight via FedEx or UPS.
Was wondering what is in your product? Also how much it is to ship to Canada? Thank you.
Our product is an all natural products. Active Ingredient is Calcium, Inactive Ingredients are Corn Starch, spearmint and sucrose. Please refer to our Drug Facts on our products. Shipping is available wherever FedEx, UPS and USPS delivers. Please be advised of international shipping procedures and pricing. Please call us directly at 484-727-8466 to get a detailed quote on shipping.

To experience a relationship with a dog or cat is a great thing and to pay for your furry four legged friend to have a healthy life can be priceless. We here at PARV-GONE and DIST-GONE believe in delivering information and getting our product to you as fast as possible so that you pet can get relief fast. We want to put a stop on having to make a choice whether to keep food on the table or to pay the costly treatment in the relief of the parvovirus. Focus on your pet and not your wallet.
Adequate hydration is strongly recommended